The Noserider Swoop
Aptly named after the arm motions you’ll make while riding this board. It’s a log, but not a brick of a log. It has that classic 50/50 rail feel but is still agile. Sparrow wanted to take a classic longboard outline and slightly modify the bottom contours and rocker to make a nose rider with a little more character. This board generates a little more speed than some of the traditional, full-belly logs out there and it has that swoop-around feeling when the rider steps back on the tail. This noserider is also not a plank. It actually has nose rocker to it! We found the perfect amount of rocker for those that want to get out to the nose and hang out there for awhile, but also you don’t have to worry as much about sticking the nose in steeper, more vertical sections. Sparrow was actually surprised at how much nose rocker this board could handle while still performing as desired. The outline features wider hips in the back third of the board, which helps send the rider naturally towards the nose (it basically makes you feel like you’re able to walk forward more comfortably. The nose is on the narrower side (You don’t actually need a wider nose to nose ride, common misconception). This is definitely a fun, fun, fun board to have in your quiver. Order them thick!! The rails are tapered and not blocky. Some longboards aren’t as thick through the middle and carry more foam out to blocky rails. This design isn’t like that. The deck has a nice rolled foil to it, allowing the centerline to hold more foam and thus making the rails feel more connected in the face of the wave. And this allows the board to actually be pushed in bigger surf if desired.
Wave Size:
(Ankle Slappers to Head and a Half +?)
This model defaults to standard glass, single fin unless otherwise specified or custom ordered.
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